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A comprehensive reference guide to all things occult, covering a broad range of magic tradition from Babylonian times to the present day.
This authoritative reference text by linguist and occult expert Harry E. Wedeck offers a broad understanding of witchcraft, necromancy, paganism, the occult, and many of magic’s other manifestations. With in-depth information on essential concepts, practices, and vocabulary, Dictionary of Magic also covers many of the most notable wizards and demonographers.
Perhaps the most famous word in all of magic, Abracadabra is in fact a magic formula used in incantations against sickness or ill luck. Black Mass is a mass held in honor of the Devil. Geloscopy is the practice of divination through observing someone’s laughter. From A-to-Z, Wedeck covers magical names and terms from around the world and down through the ages.

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magic definition of magic at dictionary magicfinition the art of producing illusions as entertainment by the use of sleight of handceptivevices etc. legemain conjuring to pull a rabbit out of a hat by magic. see more.
magic definition of magic by merriamwebster definition of magic. entry 1 of 3 1 a the use of means such as charms or spells believed to have supernatural power over natural forces. b magic rites or incantations. 2 a an extraordinary power or influence seeminglyom a supernatural source both pitchers although they are or havent lost their magic.

magic meaning in the cambridge english dictionary magic noun u special power a2 the use of special powers to make things happen that would usually be impossible such as in stories for children the group is known for its belief in witchcraft and magic.

dictionary of magic by harry e. wck goodreads dictionary of magic by harry e. wck offers a broad urstanding of the field of witchcraft the occult and its many manifestationsom early babylonian times to the present day. it incls knowledge of words in this areaom many continents and practices.

magicfinition and meaning collins english dictionary 1. uncountable noun magic is the power to use supernatural forces to make impossible things happen such as making people disappear or controlling events in nature. they believe in magic..the use of magic tobat any adverse powers or influences.

amazon the watkins dictionary of magic over 3000 this second volume in the popular watkins dictionary series is filled with fascinating explanations for all things magicalom spells and secret rituals to mythical creatures. more than just handy reference the manyfinitions and articles hereincluding pieces on kabbalah tarot and gnosticismprov a great introduction for neophyte occultists interested in expanding their urstanding.

dictionary of ancient magic words and spells from abraxas .the dictionary of ancient magic words and spells is a useful and trustworthy reference work rooted in acmic scholarship that will prove of interest to both researcher and magical practitioner alike. ross macfarlane folklore journal uk


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