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Scots Dictionary


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This is by far the most popular guide to the language of today’s Scotland, with nearly 1800 everyday words and phrases from the Borders, Lowlands, Highlands and Islands clearly explained and with lots of helpful examples of usage. With its durable and eye-catching cover, this is a must for every bookshelf!

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scots definition of scots at dictionary a native or inhabitant of scotland. one of an ancient gaelic people who cameom northern ireland about the 6th century a.d. and settled in the northwestern part of great britain and after whom scotland was named.

englishscots dictionary glosbe wee to the englishscots dictionary. please write word or phrase you want to check in the text box on the left. add translation. recent changes. glosbe is home for thousands of dictionaries. we prov not only dictionary englishscots but dictionaries for every existing pairs of languages online andee.

scots dictionary online translation lexilogos dictionary of the scottish idiomin which the significance of the words is given in english and german by robert motherby 1826 observations on the scottish dialectby john sinclair 1782 lowland scotchas spoken in the lower strathearn district of perthshire by james wilson 1915 vocabulary by topics

scotsenglish englishscots dictionary scotsenglish englishscots dictionary this dictionary is a fascinating and uptodate gu to the language thatveloped alongs english in the northern parts of the british isles. as well as including such wellknown words as dreich sassenach kirk and kittle it contains thousands of the other words that have enriched scotlands cultural heritage over the centuries.

scots meaning in the cambridge english dictionary also scottish belonging to or relating to scotland or its people his wife is scots.

scots definition of scots by merriamwebster scotsfinition is scottish used especially of the people and language and in legal context.


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